It appears that Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford has been a little too quick to release information about the "Borderlands" movie. Last night, Pitchford revealed in a tweet that Eli Roth is the film's director, but the tweet was quickly deleted. Fortunately, Kotaku was able to obtain the image before the tweet was deleted.
Eli Roth is the director of "Cabin Fever" and "Hostel" and loves movies that hurt people in horrible ways. He also hangs out with Quentin Tarantino. His participation suggests that "Borderlands" will be a bit grotesque.
The film was announced way back in 2015, but few details and prolonged silence suggested it had been shelved. However, Paul Sage, creative director of Borderlands 3, promised otherwise and said that Gearbox is still willing to make the film. He also had some interesting thoughts on casting, saying that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson should play Claptrap.
Expect to hear more about the film adaptation at PAX East on February 27. Also, an earlier tweet promised the release of the second campaign DLC for "Borderlands 3" and a couple of big announcements, one of which will be a movie.