Now you can hug the angry psychic squid in Into the Breach

Now you can hug the angry psychic squid in Into the Breach

One of the reasons I like Fangamer is that they make a lot of goodies from PC Gamer's GOTY winners: 'Slay the Spire', 'Darkest Dungeon', 'Spelunky', 'Papers, Please'.

Among them is "Into the Breach," our favorite game of 2018. We wouldn't expect a new product to appear two years after the game's release, but today Fangamer spawned this Psion Plush. This gray purple variant is a shell psion, which reduces the damage it takes against all other vecs.

This article is primarily an excuse to publish the above image, a rare amalgamation of rage and cuteness. Other Into the Breach related items are currently 20% off at Fangamer.
