Blizzard is planning an animated TV series for "Diablo" and "Overwatch," and as Gamespot reported, Nick van Dyk, co-president of Activision Blizzard Studio, has revealed in his LinkedIn profile that this animated feature has been revealed.
Nick van Dyk's profile describes what the president has been working on, citing the "Diablo" and "Overwatch" animated projects. The profile states that he is the executive producer of an "anime-style" Diablo television adaptation that will be distributed worldwide through Netflix.
The next surprise comes further down the profile, which states that Van Dyke "developed and marketed an animated series based on Blizzard's Overwatch franchise." Given that "Overwatch 2" and "Diablo 4" are currently in production with an undetermined release date, both of these animated series make sense in time.
If an official announcement is made regarding these anime, "Diablo" and "Overwatch" would be right up there with other successful game adaptations such as "The Witcher," which is currently in production for its second season, and the "Castlevania" series, for which a third season has just been announced.
Activision Blizzard has not made any formal announcements about these anime series, but we are seeking comment and will update this article when we have more information.