With fewer operators in the fifth (2020) and sixth (2021) years of Rainbow Six Siege, Ubisoft hopes to entertain players with more events, battle passes, and modes. One such sideshow is Arcade, a new playlist for smaller, experimental game types that will launch during Operation Void Edge. The first mode to appear in the arcade is a revival of the classic versus mode dating back to "Goldeneye 007," which was released on the N64 in 1997.
Yes, a Golden Gun mode will be added to Siege.
For those, like me, who were one year old when "GoldenEye" was the hottest FPS to fly off the shelves of Blockbuster, the Golden Gun rules are simple: the gun that gets the golden treatment in Siege is the D-50 Deagle.
It looks especially fun since Ubi is doing more than just adjusting damage values; in the glimpse of Golden Gun that Ubi showed us, we spotted a flashy new reload animation for the Deagle and a golden skin. The Arcade Mode is smaller than a proper seasonal event, so perhaps don't expect custom maps on the scale of 2019's Doktor's Curse. Arcade Mode will probably utilize standard Siege maps.
Alex Karpazis, Siege's art director, described Arcade Mode as a "super short event" that is smaller in scope than the larger seasonal updates." Arcade Mode usually only changes one or two game design elements, making it something fresh that you can jump into over the weekend for a palate cleanser." For now there is only one mode per season, but Karpazis said the goal is to have multiple releases per season. And don't worry, there will continue to be major seasonal events.
I love the idea of arcades, Siege is a serious game but has the potential to be a goofball, and I'm glad Ubisoft will soon have a dedicated section for testing out weird ideas. I asked Karpazis what other arcade modes there might be, but his mouth remained shut.
Here you go, UBI, I'll give you this one for free: drone hide-and-seek. All players exclusively control drones on the regular Siege map. The game is split into two teams: the lurkers and the explorers. Both teams can find power-ups to help their drones hide and be hunted, like Specter's concealment or IQ's electronic scanner. Let's make it happen!