In January, Valve overhauled the way Steam handles game soundtracks. Previously, soundtracks were treated as DLC and were a real pain: they could not be purchased separately from the game, and to download a soundtrack, you had to install the game first.
An update in early January added a new "Soundtracks" category to Steam, allowing users to purchase, download, and manage game music completely independent of the game. Existing soundtracks were not perfect, as developers had to manually convert them to the new system, which meant that old favorites would be missed, but it is a big improvement over the old system.
To celebrate the big move, Valve is launching a soundtrack sale today, offering a wide range of over 900 soundtracks currently available in the new category at bargain prices. There are currently over 900 soundtracks available for sale.
Not included in the sale, but just to be clear (and because I didn't know about this sale until I started looking into it), the soundtracks for Valve's games (Half-Life, Half-Life 2, HL2 Ep1, HL2 Ep2, Portal, Portal 2) are free! ...
The Steam Soundtrack Sale will run until February 14 at 10am PT/1pm ET.