A year ago, we posted a rumor that a Resident Evil TV show was being produced by Netflix, only to have it disappear in a hurry when yet another piece of evidence surfaced: a description of the Resident Evil TV show was posted on Netflix's Media Center, then removed, but thanks to Wayback Thanks to Machine, you can still read it:
"The town of Clearfield, Maryland, has long been in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated corporate behemoths: the Umbrella Corporation, the defunct Greenwood Psychiatric Hospital, and Washington, D.C. The town has been the site of a series of biohazard rumors that have been circulating for years.
The defunct mental hospital is definitely creepy enough to be the center of a "Resident Evil" storyline, and it clearly wouldn't be "Resident Evil" without the Umbrella Corporation. Clearfield is a less ridiculous name than Raccoon City, don't you think? We'll see what happens.
I thought the first Resident Evil film was one of the least bad video game adaptations, and the Netflix version might be a bit more grounded than the one where Milla Jovovich's clone army attacks the Tokyo office of the Umbrella Corporation.