"Sorcery! ," "80 Days," and "Heaven's Vault," Inkle, the interactive narrative studio, is teasing their next project in a very Inkle-like manner.
If it weren't for the fact that Electronic Arts has an exclusive licensing agreement with Disney, I would say with certainty that Inkle is making a Star Wars game. Or perhaps they are referring to a retelling of the legend of Robin Hood." The absence of "bow" is noticeable, but the inclusion of "bow" may be a bit overdramatic.
It could also be "Sabufhr," which is not really a word. Inkle said on Twitter that it was the name of a small jellyfish, but there is a strong suspicion that this is not actually the case.
Or it could be something else entirely! There is no way of knowing. But it's definitely worth noting: we named "80 Days" the best writing game of 2015, and the archaeological mystery game "Heaven's Vault" was described as "exquisite" and "absolutely brilliant" in 88% of our reviews. We will report further information as it becomes available.