"Artful Escape" has been a bit of a mystery since it was first announced; when it was first released in 2017, the trailer was filled with psychedelic visuals of a young man rocking out on a glowing guitar, jumping from one colorful dimension to the next. A new gameplay video with commentary from developer Beethoven and Dinosaur reveals a bit more about the story behind the video.
The video is explained by Johnny Galvatron, Creative Director of Beethoven and Dinosaur. The trailer introduces the main storyline of The Artful Getaway and gives a preview of the game's musical mechanics.
The Artful Escape follows musical genius Francis Vendetti as he begins preparing for his first live performance. Not one to shy away from his famous uncle's musical legacy, Francis embarks on a cosmic pursuit to find the perfect stage persona, taking him to a number of multidimensional worlds.
This is a bonkers story with visuals to match. The trailer shows Francis playing electric guitar riffs as he flies majestically through other worlds. Creatures and leaves respond to Francis' neon guitar and shred sparkling notes, which is his main way of communicating with the world. Strike the right chord and you'll be rockin' and rollin' along with the strange monsters and glowing plants as if you were in a jam session.
Galvatron goes on to say that you can customize aspects of Francis' musical persona to give it the flair and flamboyance you desire. You can even decide on his stage name, the planet he comes from, and choose the costumes he wears.
I am very excited about The Artful Escape. The game is a side-scrolling rock opera with lots of guitar solos and magical musical moments. No release date has been set, but according to the Steam page, "The Artful Escape" will be available on PC sometime this year. To see Francis rocking out on the back of a giant tortoise, watch until the end of the walkthrough.