How to make Minecraft look like you're in H.R. Giger's theme park

How to make Minecraft look like you're in H.R. Giger's theme park

I've been feverishly downloading builds of Minecraft for the past week. I downloaded as much as my computer's storage space would allow, including underwater deep-sea worlds, impressive historical castles, and inexplicably detailed cities. One such unexpected item was Everbloom Games' "A Tribute to H.R Giger," a Minecraft build that recreates the dark, biomechanical art of H.R. Giger.

Everbloom Games is made up of professional Minecraft builders, and A Tribute to H.R Giger is just one of the team's many creations. One of their projects, "Echoes from the Deep," is a complex undersea empire featuring sea monsters and alien plants. Another project, "Symbiosis," is an epic-scale battle frozen in time. The scope of these builds is mind-boggling, and each is an impressive testament to the team's work.

While the best Minecraft seeds and builds represent openness and playfulness, this Giger-inspired map is the exact opposite. Huge cavernous hallways represent Giger's dark and oppressive creations. Exoskeletal horrors are embedded in the walls, and a giant industrial human face rises from the top of the structure. It is very different from the fantastical fairy tale worlds and tropical islands I have explored.

A Tribute to H.R Giger and the team's other Minecraft builds are available for free download from the Everbloom Games website. For more Giger fun, check out Scorn's very moist trailer featured on Microsoft's Inside Xbox live stream.

Here are some highlights from the H.R. Giger tribute trailer:
