Blizzard Reveals Battleground's MMR Capabilities

Blizzard Reveals Battleground's MMR Capabilities

Other than the sisyphean drive to improve MMR endlessly, Hearthstone's Battlegrounds mode doesn't have much of an endgame. This is because it is highly addictive anyway. But it wouldn't hurt to have a little context to understand your own number, as Senior Game Designer Dean "Iksar" Ayala explained. He took to Twitter to explain what the MMR distribution looks like in this mode, as well as other fun stats collected by Blizzard:

<5000 62% of Players5500+ Top 20%6000+ Top 10%6500+ Top 3%7000+ Top 1%8000+ Top 0.1%8700+ Top 0.01%

The good news (for me, sitting a little above 6K) is that if your MMR is above 5,500, you are in the pack! You're ahead of the pack. Note that this number only includes players who have played five games in the past 20 days. Ayala also categorized the most selected minions in each tier of the tavern.

Tier 1: Murloc TidehunterTier 2: Spawn of N'ZothTier 3: Cobalt GuardianTier 4: Defender of ArgusTier 5: Brann BronzebeardTier 6: Ghastcoiler

It is not shocking that Cobalt dominates Tier 3. I would not be at all surprised if this card is swept down to Tier 4 or removed altogether. The fact that Defender of Argus was picked at Tier 4 speaks to the importance of strategic interference and how desert the Tier 4 pool is; Baron Rivendare would have been pretty close to Brann at Tier 5, and Ghastcoiler at Tier 6. advantage of being strong in both Deathrattle and Beast comps.

The subject of which heroes are the strongest was more intriguing, mainly because the results varied widely depending on the MMR one plays. Ayala, for example, noted that among players with MMRs of 5K or higher, Jaraxxus' average finishing position is only 28th. However, among players with less than 5K, the same heroes have a much better average finishing position of 5th. In fact, in the same group, Jarraxxus has the second highest top-4 percentage (69.5%), surpassed only by Deathwing.

Regarding the OP's Dragonlord, Ayala admits that this hero is too powerful: "Deathwing is the most powerful hero in all regions at all levels except for the very top class players. We are playtesting him internally with +2 attack and will be nerfing him that way soon."

Last week, another underwhelming hero, Tirion, was removed; according to Ayala, Tirion was the most powerful hero in all regions and at all levels. We playtested him with his hero power at two mana, which we felt was too great a disadvantage. We considered changing the minion pool, but decided to take a little more time to playtest internally while we deactivated."

Some more gems from the thread: Nozdormu has the highest average placement among players with 11k MMR or higher. Reno Jackson is the 4th most selected hero, but his average placement is 24th. (Dancin' Deryl is the second most played hero on NA, EU, and Asian servers, but only 11th in China. Finally, if you are looking for the worst hero, Milhouse Manastorm is the perfect choice. This disgraced gnome has the lowest percentage of top 4 finishes and wins. Ayala suggested that he be given the buff he deserves.

You can read his full thread here.
